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Are you troubled by your past? Do you think that the life you are living right now is being affected by your past mistakes and failures? And you are tired of the status-quo, I have a good news for you, there can be a change.

You can have a new beginning, and your total transformation can begin now, I mean right now. All it takes is just three steps and you will begin your journey into peace and comfort that nothing can take away from you.

Step 1: CONFESS.

There is nothing that God did not know about you, he knows what you’ve done, the rules you’ve broken and his commandments that you have disobeyed, So there is no point in hiding from him. Admit your transgressions, acknowledge that you have been short of Gods standard and you need his help. Open up to God and confess all what you’ve done against his will, don’t excuse any form of disobedience.

As it is written: “There is none righteous, no, not one;” Romans‬ ‭3:10‬ (‭NKJV‬‬)

You must admit you’ve messed up, and you have not been living by his standard. Tell him plainly you have sinned against him and you come to ask him for forgiveness.

Step 2: BELIEVE.

No matter how bad your past might have been, the precious blood of Jesus Christ is enough to wash you clean. You must refuse to doubt the love and promise of salvation that God is giving you. Believe in the word of God, that Jesus Christ has paid the price to ransom you from the power of sin and death. You must believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross, he rose from the dead and he is alive right now and your salvation is sure, your eternity is secure as you put your trust in him.

"Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13 NKJV)

Step 3: ACCEPT.

You can be offered a gift but it will make no difference if you refuse to accept the gift. If a gift is good it will do you no good until you accept it. God has offered you the gift of salvation that can only be found in his begotten son Jesus Christ, you must accept God's gift.

How do you accept the Gift of God? You accept the gift of eternal life by surrendering your life to God. Confess your sins and tell him you are sorry for living against his will. Ask Jesus Christ to come into your life, tell him to take full control of your life and as you do that prepare to give the full right of ownership—to take total control of your life. Inviting Jesus into your life means that he will be the sole director of your lie, he will be your guide and set the pace. He will lead while you follow.

Jesus can never lead you into a wrong direction, he is the only way that leads to God.

JESUS said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (‭‭John‬ ‭14:6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)


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