• timministries2010@gmail.com |
  • +1 404 573 2005


At The Impact Makers Ministries we are committed to the salvation and restoration of the unsaved, the empowerment of the poor and the less privileged in the rural areas of Africa by impacting their lives through the application of the principles of the Word of God. We are passionate about transforming the lives of the poor and the needy by providing their basic needs such as food, clothing, medical services and train them for skill development to enhance their financial independence.

We also provide psyco-social support for people with mental illness and assist them to access necessary and quality medical attention, provision of drugs and other services that will enhance their speedy recovery. It is our intention to make those that are at the verge of societal alienation experience the love of God by reaching out to them with care and the assistance that they need.

Our programs and activities are motivated by the Love of God, His Great Commandment and His Great Commission. It is our joy and fulfilment to see the lost returning to God and becoming His disciples through the impact of our Ministry.

We hold special seminars and trainings for people that are in the rural areas of Africa to educate them on skill developments and becoming the best that God intended them to become through the application of basic biblical principles.

At TIM Ministries, Our ultimate goal is to see people developing an intimate relationship with God and being transformed by His power as they take their place in destiny by becoming true ambassadors of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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